140 lei
Mini-jungla este realizata cu muschi natural viu si un cuib de ficus pumila.
Exista mai bine de 20.000 de specii de muschi (biofite) raspandite pe tot globul – de la zonele calde si ploioase tot timpul anului (ie zona ecuatoriala) pana la zonele foarte reci (ie zonele polare). Briofitele joaca un rol important in reglarea ecosistemelor deoarece creaza un sistem-tampon pentru plantele cu care co-exista and care beneficiaza de apa si nutrientii pe care le colecteaza briofitele. Muschii nu fac flori sau seminte, ci se reproduc prin spori. Acest muschi a fost recoltat cu grija dintr-o zona rurala din Romania.
Ficus pumila provine din Asia de Est (China, Japonia, Vietnam) si este o planta agatatoare similara iederei.
Mai multe imagini aici si aici
Alegere inspirata pentru cei ce iubesc plantele, inovatiile, sunt atenti la detalii.
Dimensiuni vas: 4,50cm diametru x 14cm inaltime
Datorita fragilitatii recipientului si plantelor, livrez aceasta creatie momentan doar in Bucuresti si in zona de nord din apropierea Bucurestiului. Terariul contine plante naturale vii si este astfel perisabil, deci nu poate fi returnat dupa livrare.
Fotografia are caracter informativ. Dupa lansarea comenzii vei primi un mesaj pe e-mail / Whats-app cu fotografii recente ale piesei. In cazul in care satisface in continuare dorintele tale, confirmi comanda si finalizam procesul de livrare. In caz contrar, poti anula comanda, iar, in cazul in care ai facut deja plata prin card, informam procesatorul de plati ca tranzactia este anulata.
Impreuna cu terariul comandat primesti un ghid de instrucțiuni personalizate. Vei avea astfel informatiile necesare pentru a-l ingriji si a te bucura de el fara griji.
140 lei
Created with natural living moss and a nest of ficus pumila.
There are more than 20,000 species of moss (biophytes) spread around the globe – from warm and rainy areas all year round (ie the equatorial area) to very cold areas (ie polar areas). Bryophytes play an important role in regulating ecosystems because they create a buffer system for the plants with which they co-exist and which benefit from the water and nutrients that bryophytes collect. Mosses do not make flowers or seeds, but reproduce by spores. This moss was responsably foraged from a rural area of Romania.
Ficus pumila originates from Eastern Asia (China, Japan, Vietnam) and is a rambling plant similar to ivy.
An inspired choice for those who love plants, novelties and pay attention to details.
Approx size of recipient: 4.50cm diameter x 14cm height
Due to the fragility of the recipient and the plants, I deliver this creation now only in Bucharest and the Northern surrounding area. The terrarium contains natural live plants that are perishable, thus it cannot be returned after delivery.
The photograph is informative. After the order order placement, you will receive an e-mail /Whats-app message with recent photographs of the terrarium. In case it continues to satisfy your wishes, you confirm the order and I prepare the delivery. Otherwise, you may cancel the order, and, if you have paid by credit card, I announce the company that processes the payment that the transaction is canceled.
Along with the terrarium you will receive a set of personalized instructions. You will thus have the necessary information to care for it and enjoy it without worry.